Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Safeway Fuel Discount - Now You Can Stack Them!

Over the last several years that I can remember, Safeway has always offered a fuel discount for every $100 of groceries purchased.  The usual discount was always 10 cents off per gallon for every $100 spent, but you could only use one 10 cent discount per fuel purchase.  We have recently discovered that Safeway is now allowing these discounts to accumulate and be used together.  I just saved 30 cents per gallon today when I filled up, for a total savings of $4.50 off of my tank of gas.  Woohoo!

We have a tendency to not always use all of our fuel discounts because Safeway fuel is on the other side of town, and it wasn't worth a 10 cent per gallon discount to drive all the way over there.  Now that we can let them accumulate, it will be worth the drive there when we have amassed a few discounts.  They do have an expiration date once accumulated, but Safeway separates them by yearly quarters.  Just thought I would pass on our recent gas discount discovery!


  1. That's a really good deal. I wonder if there's a Safeway where I live... I'll definitely be looking into it!

  2. Price Chopper allows the same thing with their fuel center. Since I shop every other week, I can often make it in on fumes and fuel up for 20 cents a gallon off. Love it!

  3. Whoa, that's a great deal! I have been spending SOOO much on gas lately. I don't think we have a Safeway here, though :(

  4. There are some stores that do that here, but they have higher priced groceries at one and the other one shut down the store closest to my house so I don't do that much anymore. It is a good discount though!

  5. Yeah, Safeway can be more expensive, but if you exclusively shop the sales, then it is consistently cheaper than places like Wal-Mart. They usually have alot of good sales on produce, and I like the selection of whole wheat/whole grain breads, as well as a selection of things like yogurt that are hfcs free and dye free.
