Friday, July 22, 2011

My First Giveaway Ever!!!

I am having my first blog giveaway ever!  Woohoo!!!  I am excited to be offering a giveaway on one of my newest crocheting creations.  It is one of a kind, brand new, and hand crocheted with a varigated crochet thread in shades of blue.  This super cute headband is a wrap-around style that ties in the back, so it is adjustable to fit properly.  My lovely sister agreed to model it so I could get a good picture.  Thanks, sis! 

There are several ways you can get an entry into this giveaway.  You can get more than one entry by doing several of the following:

  1. Leave a comment on any one of my posts.
  2. Follow my blog.
  3. Post this on Facebook.
  4. Do a blog post about this giveaway.
When you have done any of the preceding, come back and leave a comment on this giveaway post and let me know all you did!  For instance, if you posted this on Facebook, leave a comment that you posted on Facebook.  Technically, that would count for two entries.  If you posted on your blog, make sure you leave a blog link in your comment :-)

I will close entries to this giveaway on Friday, July 29th at midnight (mountain time zone), and announce the winner on Saturday, July 30th.  Giveaway is limited to people residing in the USA.  Good luck!!!


  1. Your model's head looks familiar! Hehe! ;) We could really use that headband... therefore I am COMMENTING!! :D

  2. That is very cute! Is the pattern avaialable?

  3. Thanks for the comment, Beth!

    Dana - I designed the headband myself, but I didn't write the pattern down! I do plan on making another one sometime soon and writing it out - this was my prototype model :-)

  4. Love it! I'm in!

  5. I posted this on Facebook :)

  6. I want ALL of your homemade head bands! lol

  7. Wow, that is really pretty. I love headbands. I'll post to fb, and also follow your blog. I'd put a blog post up on my blog... but I don't think anyone really ever reads it but me and my parents and sisters... they just look at it for photos :)

  8. I could totally see myself wearing that adorable headband. So creative! Count me in :)
