Sunday, July 31, 2011

Awesome Cloth Diapers - Great Price!!!

I recently had a baby and have been using Kawaii cloth diapers for several months now.  I have to say that I am so pleased with how well they have worked for us.  I bought the one size snap closure diapers, which will fit from newborn to toddler stages.  It is a pocket style diaper with two microfiber inserts.  I like that each diaper comes with two inserts, as it allows me to adjust using one or two at a time depending on the absorbancy my baby needs.  I never thought I would ever in a million years say this, but I think I like these cloth diapers way better than any disposable I have ever used on my kids.  I have had less problems with leaks, and I am sure they are more comfortable for my baby than disposables are (they definitely look more comfortable, anyways!).  Plus, they are really cute!

As far as the cost of these diapers go, at $6.99 a piece these diapers are a bargain in the cloth diapering world.  If you plan on cloth diapering and bought 20 of them at that price, it would come to just under $140 for a stash that most likely could be used for as long as your baby needs to be diapered.  If you exclusively use cloth for your baby's entire diapering experience, that is an incredible savings over a 2-3 year time period.  According to the Real Diaper Association, the average cost of diapering a child over the span of two years in disposables is roughly $1,600. 

When I first considered cloth diapers, I was concerned about the extra work it would take to launder them.  I have a stash of around two dozen Kawaii diapers, which leaves me to wash diapers roughly every two days.  Really, it averages out to an extra 3 loads of laundry a week.  In the larger scope of things, it was not as bad as I imagined it to be.  Washing the diapers has become integrated into my routine around here.

As a side note, I should add that Kawaii diapers has not asked me to endorse their product.  I just like these diapers so much, that I thought I would share :) 


  1. I <3 cloth diapers...but I am so glad to be out of the diaper stage! ;)

    Celebrating Family

  2. I have heard awesome things about the Kawaii diapers (and not just the price). I don't have any, but I love using cloth. We have saved a ton of money.

  3. We tried using cloth pre-folds, but I found a full time job and wasn't able to keep up with the laundry. Plus, we really didn't like the pre-folds at all. I've heard a lot of people talk about the cloth diapers that come with inserts. I think next time around we will definitely try these! Thanks for the post!

  4. I've never tried this kind (although, now, I'm wishing I had an excuse to try one!), but I definitely like cloth better than 'sposies. We did those for the first 8 months and when I finally took the plunge, it was so wonderful! The rashes stopped, he was generally happier and it really wasn't that much more work. (Plus, dogs stopped tearing open our trash as often, so I guess, technically, it was less work!)
