Thursday, December 3, 2009

Downs Syndrome Orphan Needs a Family

Some friends of mine recently adopted a boy with Down's Syndrome from the Ukraine. Sean came home to be with his family last May. While they were at the orphanage, they met another little girl named Lacie, but they were unable to bring her home at the time. They have not forgotten about her and would like to be able to go back and get her. It costs alot of money to do so, but by going to rescue these children, their lives are being saved. The special needs children are placed in institutions if they are not adopted by the age of 4. They do not do well there and often die as a result. You can read more about it on their blog, . There is also a place to donate towards the cause at their site.

You can also read more about adopting children with special needs through . I would also like to add that the Adamson family is a very nice family who love and care for their children dearly. Their home is a wonderful home for a child to become a part of.

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